Frequently asked questions

Do you plan weddings?

No, we are listed as a wedding directory and we are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the search for suppliers, but we do not take the place of a wedding planner.


Are you only specialized in weddings?

No, we offer service providers for all kinds of events and parties you are planning.


Are the suppliers listed in a certain order?

No, the order of providers is presented according to your search criteria or chosen by chance. We do not favor any provider and we do not assign a rank.


Does the site have a fee for users?

No, the site will always be free for visitors.


Will my contact information be saved for sending my own shopping cart?

No, we will not save your email addresses or contact information. However, you can create a shopping basket with all the providers that catch your eye and you can either print them out as a PDF or send yourself an email with your preference list.


Is there a search function?

Yes, we offer you a very detailed search engine to help you in your choice of providers and to guide you in the best way.


How can I choose my providers?

You are guided by the different categories, click on the proposed characteristics in order to optimize your search and find the providers that suit you best. You create your list of interest by a simple click, finalize your choice and send it by email without any registration required.